Welcome to Bembridge Harbour
Our online booking system is open for visitor bookings from April 2025 and beyond - book online
The Berthing and Admin teams are now ensconced in our newly built Harbour Offices/facilities. Whilst we are still operating on Winter hours (see below), the building is not open at weekends when there are no staff on site, or out of hours. The previous shower/toilet facilities remain in use and are accessible by number code (provided to visiting boats on booking).
Winter visiting
During the winter months, the offices are closed at weekends. All visitor berths are booked online (which gives you a 5% discount) and over the winter months bookings can be made at anytime, including the day after your visit if you're a late arrival (subject to availability), including short stays. If you plan to arrive outside our opening hours, please contact the Berthing Team in advance for berthing instructions, the shower/toilet facilities code and the WiFi password - phone 01983 872828 ext 1 or email: mail@bembridgeharbour.co.uk. The codes will also be sent by text to all booked boats.
Daily safety checks are carried out by staff members and outside opening hours the Duty Holder will be available in case of EMERGENCY via the main telephone number (01983 872828).
The Berthing Team operates on VHF Channel 80. The Administration Office is open 0900-1600 Monday to Friday. SPECIAL WINTER WALK-ASHORE OFFER: great value berthing offered at the Duver Marina from 1st October 2024 to 31st March 2025 - check out our Special Offers page for full information.
The Duver Cafe and Steve's Bar are now closed for the winter period - reopening Easter 2025.
The British Yachting Awards 2024
Bembridge Harbour has been announced as Winner of the Marina of the Year in the British Yachting Awards!
We are absolutely delighted to have won this award and our grateful thanks go to our fantastic staff team, who make the Harbour what it is, to the local businesses and organisations who have supported our nomination, and to every single person who has kindly voted for us - we are hugely grateful for your help in gaining this special recognition.
How are we doing ...?
Our customers, whether visitors or resident berth holders, and all Harbour users, are the reason we are here. We welcome and greatly value feedback, whether good or not so good. We don't always get it right and if we don't we'd really like to know, so that we can put things right as necessary and continue to offer the best service we can. Please do get in touch by phone (01983 872828), email (office@bembridgeharbour.co.uk), in person, or by whatever means is convenient, or by completing our Customer Feedback/Complaint Form.
We will be continuing in 2025 to fundraise for our Nominated Charity, the Sophie Rolf Trust - KissyPuppy.
Fiona, Malcolm, and the Harbour Team
February 2025
The Harbour is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and nearby Brading Marshes are home to the first RSPB site on the Island. There are many picturesque walks in and around the area, historic sites to visit, beautiful beaches to enjoy and a busy Harbour where there's always something to watch. The villages of Bembridge and St Helens offer a rich variety of shops, restaurants and pubs and are well worth exploring. Visit our Local Information section for more details. Bembridge Sailing Club and Brading Haven Yacht Club both welcome visiting yachtsmen and cater for pre-booked rallies.