Berthing at Bembridge Harbour
Berthing is available in 4 areas of Bembridge Harbour: the Duver Marina, Bembridge Marina, Fisherman's pontoon and Selwyn pontoon. Visitors are directed to the Duver Marina - finger berths and a Rally Rafting area are bookable online. Access to the Harbour is restricted to High Water + or - 3 hrs for vessels drawing 1.5m. Please refer to the Navigation Section for more information.
All users of the Harbour must comply with BHIC Byelaws, and are expected to heed the information and warnings contained in Local Notices to Mariners, and comply with the directions given by senior Harbour staff.
Our customers, whether visitors or resident berth holders, and all Harbour users, are the reason we are here. We welcome and greatly value feedback, whether good or not so good. We don't always get it right and if we don't we'd really like to know, so that we can put things right as necessary and continue to offer the best service we can. Please do get in touch by phone (01983 872828), email (, in person, or by whatever means is convenient, or by completing our Customer Feedback/Complaint Form.
Duver Marina
The Duver Marina is the main mooring area for visiting yachtsmen. Dredged to a depth of 2m MLWS (latest bathymetric survey November 2024) with finger berths along both sides of the main pontoon spine. Bookings are made online other than boats over 18m LOA and multihulls (and vessels with a 4m draft and over) which need to be booked directly through the Berthing Office (telephone 01983 872828 open 7 days a week 09:00-17:00 or Our Rally Rafting Area is along the Duver pontoon - click here for a Duver Marina plan.
A Water Taxi service operates all year round (reduced service during the winter) with drop off points around the Harbour. WiFi is available free of charge for Harbour customers - the code can be obtained from the Berthing/Harbour Offices on arrival.
A marquee is available to hire throughout the summer, complete with wooden tables and bench seating. 3 large barbecues are also available to hire.
Bembridge Marina
Bembridge Marina is the main area for permanent berth holders, with a water taxi drop off/collection point for the Marina and for Brading Haven Yacht Club. There is a shower/toilet block for resident berth holders and for the use of visiting yachtsman berthed at the Marina. Please see the Resident Berthing page for Tariffs.
Fisherman's Pontoon
Fisherman's Pontoon, formally Fisherman's Wharf, was completely replaced in 2012. This drying pontoon is home to the Bembridge fishing fleet which is famous for lobster and crab. At the southern end of the pontoon is The Best Dressed Crab - a floating processing plant and seafood cafe which is well worth a visit.
Selwyn Pontoon
Selwyn Pontoon, formally known as Wades Pontoon, has been replaced and an access bridge has been installed.