Resident Berthing
Click here for BHA General Terms and Conditions, which apply to all BHA licence holders and to all visiting boats. To download a printable version of the berthing rates below, click here.
2025 Tariff rates from 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2026
Bembridge Marina
12 month Annual Berth (Apr-Mar) - £535.00/m
6 month Summer Berth - £495.00/m
1 month Summer Berth - £ 99.00/m
Marina Daily Rate - £ 5.50/m
6 month Winter Berth - £159.00/m
The Duver Pontoon
12 month Annual Berth (Apr-Mar) - £550.00/m
6 month Summer Berth - £510.00/m
1 month Summer Berth - £103.00/m
Marina Daily Rate - £ 5.50/m
6 month Winter Berth - £159.00/m
Fisherman’s Pontoon
12 month Annual Berth (Apr-Mar) - £448.00/m
6 month Summer Berth - £410.00/m
1 month Summer Berth - £ 85.00/m
Daily Rate - £ 5.25/m
6 month Winter Berth - £129.00/m
Selwyn Pontoon
12 month Annual Berth (Apr-Mar) - £365.00/m
6 month Summer Berth - £335.00/m
1 month Summer Berth - £ 68.00/m
Daily Rate - £ 5.25/m
6 month Winter Berth - £108.00/m
Mid-Harbour Tidal Moorings
Mid-Harbour Buoy - £875.00/pa
(12 month contract April to March, inclusive of 4 months pontoon mooring from December to March)
Mid-Harbour Buoy paid within 6 instalments - £960.00/pa
Paid by 6 instalments of £160.00 per month, on 1st of each month, paid in full by 1st September
(12 month contract April to March, inclusive of 4 months pontoon mooring from December to March)
Mid-Harbour Pontoon Mooring - £1350.00/pa
(12 month contract April to March, inclusive of 4 months pontoon mooring from December to March)
Mid-Harbour Pontoon Mooring paid within 6 instalments - £1485.00/pa
Paid by 6 instalments of £247.50 per month, on 1st of each month, paid in full by 1st September
(12 month contract April to March, inclusive of 4 months pontoon mooring from December to March)
Mid-Harbour Buoy per month - £295.00
(subject to availability)
Mid-Harbour Buoy per day - £ 15.00
(subject to availability)
All prices are effective for moorings commencing from 01 April 2025 and prior agreed with Bembridge Harbour Authority.
Pontoon prices are per metre (LOA) rounded up top 0.1m and inclusive of Harbour Dues and VAT. Minimum charge of 5m LOA. Vessels of 15m+ LOA charged an additional 5%. All payments are due in advance.
Annual walk-ashore pontoon contracts can be paid by Standing Order by prior agreement, 10% surcharge applies. Annual contract price is for 12-month licence period only. Late payments charged at £30 per month, plus 2% interest per month. Live-aboard supplement charges apply from £14.00/m per annum. Metered electricity charged at 50p/kwh, unmetered electric charged at £5.00/day. Mid-Harbour Tidal Mooring prices are per vessel inclusive of VAT and Harbour Dues, and are subject to maximum size conditions including maximum LOA of 9m. Amendments to licence charged at £30.00. All moorings are subject to our terms and conditions, available on this website. Rights are reserved to review and amend charges at any time.